Fortei™ Uldtrøje – Elegant comfort for the modern mand
Giv din wardrobe and light with Fortei™-uldtrøjen, the combiner of the style with modern details. The geometric monster and the refined round neck have a beautiful look and elegant shape for men, the very nice comfort and design. Fremstillet af en luksuriøs uldblanding, holder Fortei™ dig warm and velklædt gennem efterår og winter.
Hvorfor vælge Fortei™ jumpers?
✔️ Unique geometric design: Tilføjer and subtle elegance in this outfit and skiller sign and with refined monster.
✔️ Uovertruffen varme: Uldblandingen sikrer en comfortably følelse på selv de koldest dage.
✔️ Alsidighed: Fits perfectly to the bathroom and semi-formal clothing – combinations with jeans, chinos or pants.
✔️ Langtidsholdbar kvalitet: Bevarer sin form, farve og luksuriøse følelse efter mange ganges brug.
✔️ Perfect for the seasons: A must-have item for the summer and winter.
Vaskeanvisning: Håndvask or maskinvask på skåneprogram ved koldt vand. And the tørretumbler for at bevare uldens quality and fit.
Forestil dig: On a cool day, before Fortei™-trøjen holder dig warm and stilfuld, uanset om you på konretret eller til en hyggelig middag. The geometric monster gives this outfit a unique and modern look.
Buy now: Tilføj Fortei™-uldtrøjen til din wardrobe i dag and oplev en trøje, which combines luxury, style and functionality. Gå winter i møde with selvtillid and comfort!
Materials: Uldblanding – plain, warm and open Design: Almindelig fit with round neck and geometric monster
For reasons of travel and for binding with lukningen in front of the boutique, the days last longer after sending the package, men will be in panic. Vi vil gøre old, hvad vi kan, for at få din order hjem til dig så hurtigt som muligt. Vi tilstræber at levere inden for 1 uge!