Claus – Elegant Patchwork Sweater: Skil dig ud with dristig elegance
Oplev en sweater, the combinerer modern art and tidløs style. Claus Patchwork Sweater he skabt til manden, der værdsætter originalitet og kvalitet. With a unique patchwork design, the blander dyed rød, blue and cream, the sweater and sweater are suitable for your wardrobe. Strikkede mønstre and flettede detailjer giver textile and dyebde, mens det bløde, varme fabric holder is comfortable to wear.
Vaskeanvisning: Maskinvask ved 30 grader med skånsomt program. Tør fladt for at bevare form and structure. And it’s sky-high and tørretumbler.
Forestil dig: In a cool winter day, before you deltager i en stilfuld begivenhed or slapper af med venner. Claus sweater gives you the perfect mix of elegance and comfort, the sikrer, at you skiller dig ud på the rigtige måde.
Buy now: Tilføj Claus – Elegant Patchwork Sweater for your collection, with excellent design and functionality. Bestil i dag og nyd en sweater, der lige så unique asm dig selv!
Materials: Strong fabric with high quality Fit: Comfortable and comfortable
For reasons of travel and for binding with lukningen in front of the boutique, the days last longer after sending the package, men will be in panic. Vi vil gøre old, hvad vi kan, for at få din order hjem til dig så hurtigt som muligt. Vi tilstræber at levere inden for 1 uge!